Mount Carmel High School of General Nakar – Weiner Neutadt Partnership

The Creation (1983)

The partnership between Wiener Neustadt and the Prelature of Infanta was founded in early 1983 thru the undertakings of Bishop Kuntar of Austria and Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen of the Prelature of Infanta.

Immersion (1993-1993)

Wiener Neustadt had finally managed to visit all the parishes of the Prelature of Infanta and invited visitors from the Prelature to Wiener Neustadt. To further the partnership, information to education and spirituality, the contents, tasks and aim of the partnership, and the importance of the partnership were shared to the priests, parishes and groups.

Mount Carmel High School of General Nakar

This school is located in one of the coastal towns of Quezon Province. It used to be the Pacific Shore Institute of General Nakar owned by the Macasaet Family, until it was sold to the Prelature of Infanta in 1989. The Bishop Prelate of the Prelature, Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen, bought it to provide a Catholic High School for the isolated parish of St. Anne and Joachim in General Nakar. The school started its operation in June 1990 and was renamed Mount Carmel High School of General Nakar. The administration of the school was assigned to the Apostles in Contemporary Times (ACT), a secular institute based in General Nakar, under the leadership of:

Sr. Evangeline Tenorio, ACT (1990-2012)
Sr. Hersie Mitaran, ACT (2012-2018)
Mr. Andy L. Boncayao (June 2019- October 2019)

Because of the increasing poverty and the foundation of a public school in the town, the school struggled financially, including lack of resources, since enrolment decreased yearly. In this situation, the school has been subsidized by other CASPI schools to supplement the low salaries of the teachers.

In October 2019, because of the sudden unexpected death of Mr. Andy Boncayao, the administration of Mount Carmel High School of General Nakar was assigned to the Notre Dame de Vie (NDV), a secular institute, headed by: 

Ms. Ma. Sylla C. Cabrias, NDV, as the Principal (2019-2021)
Ms. Ma. Janedel Florencondia, NDV, as the Principal (2021-current)
Mrs. Elizabeth V. Aglanao, as officer-in-charge (2019-current)

Wiener Neustadt has been a constant partner of Mount Carmel High of General Nakar, since its foundation in 1990 up to the present, specially Wiener Neustadt Bundes Gymnasium as partner school. Financial assistance, visits (Mr. Boncayao visited Wiener Neustadt in Septmeber 28- October 19, 2012) and immersions were made possible because of the partnership. At the moment, despite the worldwide crises, the partnership continues to understand and fulfill the Father’s dream to become church in this one world, regardless of the differences in skin color or language.